The main components of fitness for a dancer in order of importance is...
1. FLEXIBILITY- because you need to be able to shape your body into different kind of positions and you also have to be able to make positions while moving.
2. BALANCE- you need both static and dynamic balance in dancing, because you need to balance in different positions whilst moving and standing still.
3. SPEED - you need speed in dancing because sometimes the music can be really fast and you need to make sure your in time with it.
4. CO-ORDINATION - you need both types of co-ordination, hand eye and foot eye because in dancing you use almost every part of your body, which also means you need to be sharp with your hands and legs to be in time with the music.
Troy Dixon, was an amazing hip hop dancer who sadly lost his life in 1990, he was better known as Trouble T Roy, he danced with a successful group called Heavy D and the Boyz from 1987 until 1990. I chose Troy Dixon because he was a well known dancer, and i was inspired by him. i am a lot different to Troy because he had a lot more experience than me, he also had a lot more c.v endurance than i do, because he danced and trained for so long he got used to going for a long period of time.
Training methods for netball ( part 2) :
There are 2 main training methods for netball and they are :-
- Continuous Training- Known as aerobic training and it means that you work steadily for extended periods of time without rest time. This method of training is mainly used for c.v endurance, its needed in a game of netball to be able to last the duration of the game and to perform consistently at your highest level. The graph I drawn below shows the way your heart reacts to this type of training, it goes up fast in the beginning and then is a consistent line across.

2. Interval Training- this is when you work for periods of time with high intensity work with specific rest periods. This training is mainly used for c.v endurance and speed endurance. The more you do interval training, you develop lactic tolerance to cope with the sting and burning in your muscles. This method of training is used for netball because its a quick game and you need to work in periods of high intensity and can have rest or recovery time at half time. The graph I drawn below shows your heart response to interval training, your heart rate goes up quickly when your working and goes above your anaerobic threshold and then drops when your having recovery time but still stays in your aerobic work zone.

Thursday, 21 October 2010
Unit 1 Fitness And Training.
Training methods for netball ( part 2) :
There are 2 main training methods for netball and they are :-
- Continuous Training- Known as aerobic training and it means that you work steadily for extended periods of time without rest time. This method of training is mainly used for c.v endurance, its needed in a game of netball to be able to last the duration of the game and to perform consistently at your highest level. The graph I drawn below shows the way your heart reacts to this type of training, it goes up fast in the beginning and then is a consistent line across.

2. Interval Training- this is when you work for periods of time with high intensity work with specific rest periods. This training is mainly used for c.v endurance and speed endurance. The more you do interval training, you develop lactic tolerance to cope with the sting and burning in your muscles. This method of training is used for netball because its a quick game and you need to work in periods of high intensity and can have rest or recovery time at half time. The graph I drawn below shows your heart response to interval training, your heart rate goes up quickly when your working and goes above your anaerobic threshold and then drops when your having recovery time but still stays in your aerobic work zone.

Comparing of positions ( part 3 )
From the sport i chose, which was dancing.. there isn't really two positions that i could compare so i have decided to change my sport to netball. I have chosen the positions goal keeper and shooter. I chose this sport because i have an interest in it and i enjoy playing it.
They both have to have good co-ordination- the ability to integrate components so that effective movements are achieved. They both need to have agility to be able to dodge the ball, and make space to receive the ball. They both need power to be able to jump and defend, so they need to use their legs in a quick response to save the ball. They are both only aloud in their third.
Goal keeper and shooter are totally different positions,they do have some similarities that i listed above.. but there is a lot more differences, they are :- The shooter is the one that is trying to score, and the goal keeper is trying to stop anyone from scoring. The shooter has to be a lot more active than the goal keeper, because the shooter moves around the pitch quite a lot.. but the goal keeper only has to stay in their area.
Assignment 2.
Part 1
lifestyle factors have a big impact on a sportsman, such as being in the media for the wrong sort of things, and their social life.

Gavin has accepted an invitation to play for the Barbarians against South Africa on December 4 but he would not be allowed if he is still dancing in strictly come dancing. He was recently selected to model the new Wales kit in a marketing campaign, upsetting several members of the national squad, he now appears to be ready to play again, having said about his desire to play for his country at next year's world cup in New Zealand, obviously the invitation to Gavin will attract a lot of attention. He has other commitments outside rugby and he is conscious about his fitness in order to do himself and the club justice. The big game at Twickenham will be the first opportunity to see him back on the representative stage.
Gavin Henson is always in the papers or on the radio and news, but not for the same thing.. hes mostly in the media because of his rugby, but lately he has been in the media for dancing on strictly. Not long ago he split with his girlfriend Charlotte church, he was devastated and the media haven't helped! His split with Charlotte nearly ended his career, he took a year off playing rugby, and is now dancing on strictly come dancing. There has been a lot of rumours from the media saying that Gavin isn't physically fit enough anymore, so this has put a lot of pressure on him and it might help him boost his confidence and to push himself further to get back into shape!
Gavin Henson needs a good nights sleep because he is a sports performer, if he doesnt have a good sleep then he will not play as well, he would get distracted really easily which then means he would be off his game and wouldnt be able to concentrate as well as he would normally.
Assignment 2.
Part 1
lifestyle factors have a big impact on a sportsman, such as being in the media for the wrong sort of things, and their social life.
Gavin has accepted an invitation to play for the Barbarians against South Africa on December 4 but he would not be allowed if he is still dancing in strictly come dancing. He was recently selected to model the new Wales kit in a marketing campaign, upsetting several members of the national squad, he now appears to be ready to play again, having said about his desire to play for his country at next year's world cup in New Zealand, obviously the invitation to Gavin will attract a lot of attention. He has other commitments outside rugby and he is conscious about his fitness in order to do himself and the club justice. The big game at Twickenham will be the first opportunity to see him back on the representative stage.
Gavin Henson is always in the papers or on the radio and news, but not for the same thing.. hes mostly in the media because of his rugby, but lately he has been in the media for dancing on strictly. Not long ago he split with his girlfriend Charlotte church, he was devastated and the media haven't helped! His split with Charlotte nearly ended his career, he took a year off playing rugby, and is now dancing on strictly come dancing. There has been a lot of rumours from the media saying that Gavin isn't physically fit enough anymore, so this has put a lot of pressure on him and it might help him boost his confidence and to push himself further to get back into shape!
Gavin Henson needs a good nights sleep because he is a sports performer, if he doesnt have a good sleep then he will not play as well, he would get distracted really easily which then means he would be off his game and wouldnt be able to concentrate as well as he would normally.
Assignment 3 part 1.
For this part of the assignment we had to carry out 4 fitness tests on a member of staff. We worked in pairs and explained 2 tests each. My 2 tests were the 30 metre sprint and the Multi stage fitness test. We arranged to meet Ms.Carroll at the sports hall on... to take part in the 4 tests and we then recorded her results. Before any of this happened we had to make a PARQ form and an informed consent form which ms.Carroll had to fill in before any exercise took place. Here is a copy of the forms:

Warm up: First we did a warm up, this involved a jog and continuous skipping for 2 minutes to get his heart rate up. Then stretching exercises to avoid pulling any muscles and lowering risk of injury's.
30 metre sprint:The first test we did was the 30 metre dash because to get the best and most accurate results in this sprint you have to have full energy levels. The equipment needed for this test are a tape measure, cones show the start and finish line and a stopwatch. The fitness component being tested is speed. The method we used to set up and carry out this test was:
1) Mark out 30metres using a tape measure on the running surface.
2) Using a flying start you must sprint as fast as possible between the marked lines.
3) You repeat this 3 times with a rest period of 30 seconds in between each run.
4) Record your times and work out your speed in metres per second.
Sit and reach:The second test we did was the sit and reach test. The fitness component being tested is flexibility. The equipment needed to carry out this test is a 'sit and reach' box. To make sure this was a fair test we repeated it 3 times to find the average result to make it more reliable. You've got to make sure you reach out in one smooth movement not stop starting and that your knees stay touching the floor and your legs aren't bent. If you don't do this then that result won't count as it won't be a fair test. The method we used to carry out this test was:
1) Place your feet against the 'sit and reach' box
2) Keep your legs straight
3) Reach forward as far as possible
4) Hold for 3 seconds
5) Record result ( the distance the tip of your finger reaches on the scale of the box)
Multistage fitness:
The third test he did was the Multistage fitness test. This is a test is a type continuous training that enables us to improve or test our c.v endurance. The equipment needed for this test is cones and tape measure to measure out the 20 metres, a CD player and a bleep test tape. The method we used to carry out this test was:
1) This test entails running between 2 lines which are 20metre apart, in time to beeps on a tape.
2) Your foot must be on or over the line when the beep sounds.
3) When the beeps speeds up you must keep in time with it, if not you must finish the test and write down your results.
4) You must stop when you feel like you cant go any longer, or if you cant keep up with the beep.
Abdominal curl:
The final test he took part in was the abdominal curl test. The main fitness component being tested is muscular endurance. The equipment needed for this test is a blue mat to lie on, wall bar to put your feet under, CD player and a abdominal curl bleep test tape. The method we used to carry out this test was:
1) Lieing on your back with knees up, place your feet under the wall bar
2) Sit up on the first bleep and lie back down on the next bleep.
3) Keep going for as long as possible in time with the bleeps ( max 8 mins )
4) See what level you get to and record your result.
(I got the four fitness test methods from the btec sport level 2 book)
This graph doesn't really tell us much about mr Carrols C.V endurance because its comparing it to different genders and ages. The best way to see how well he done is to compare his results to the national average table. Compared to the research we have done Mr Carroll is above average. We expected him to do well in the test anyway because he is a marathon runner, which means he would do alot of c.v endurance training.
These three videos are of an explanation for the sit and reach test and the 30 metre dash and him participating:
Untitled from Rachael Kemp on Vimeo.
Sit and Reach test. from Rachael Kemp on Vimeo.
After we tested some teachers in school as a practice run, we teste ourselves and people in the class.
i carried out the tests..
- sit and reach test.
Gender | Excellent | Above average | Average | Below average | Poor |
Male | >37 | 33 - 37 | 30 - 33 | 27 - 30 | <27 |
Female | >38 | 34 - 38 | 30 - 34 | 27 - 30 | <27 |
In this graph i have compared my score to the other peoples scores in the class.
- ruler drop test.
Excellent | Above Average | Average | Below Average | Poor |
<7.5cm | 7.5 - 15.9cm | 15.9 - 20.4cm | 20.4 - 28cm | >28cm |
This graph shows the results between me and other people in the class.
- hand wall-ball test.
High Score
Above Average
Below Average
Low score
15-16 years |
30 - 35
25 - 29
20 - 24
Here is a graph to show the compaerison between the people in the class, results.
- Maximal sit up test.
Here is a graph to show the comparison between my class.
Assignment 6
Part 1.
There are different psychological factors that can effect an athletes performance. They are..
- Arousal
- Personality
- Motivation
- Concentration
Arousal and Anxiety– A bigger level of arousal will give you a higher amount of effort . This will have a good effect on the training and performance on people. Anxiety will negatively affect training and sports performance.
Personality – A positive personality will affect a players training and sports performance in a good way because if they are positive then they are more likely to enjoy the sport and put a lot of effort into it. A Negative personality will do the complete opposite because they are more likely to not be that bothered about the sport.
Motivation – A sports person performance depends on the level of their motivation. If they have good motivation then that means they will try and train a lot harder; this will be a good/positive improvement on the sports performance.
Concentration – Concentration is to focus mentally on the task that has been set while not getting distracted. Concentration can affect the person in the way that if it is a sport which needs concentration then they will be more a lot more successful.